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Hello from Happiness@Work: The Festival of Happiness!

On 19 October, we had the pleasure of attending Happiness@Work: an exciting Czech conference all about showcasing companies with a happiness-centric approach to HR. Read a quick report by our Internal Communications Coordinator Petra Tichá below!

Culture Rocks 2023

Happiness@Work and Culture Rocks came together to create a true festival of happiness. In a nutshell: one conference, two stages, 800+ visitors, numerous companies, guest speakers with their stories, and a shared focus on ‘Happiness.’

At the Happiness@Work stage, excellent speakers from the Czech Republic and beyond shared insights. This year, the spotlight was on “Leading with Happiness”: where new leaders prioritise health, growth, relationships, and results, recognizing happiness at work as a vital tool for effective leadership.

Culture Rocks brought CEOs and founders to share what happiness at work means to them. Cocuma meetings always provide valuable experiences, and this occasion was no exception – in fact, it offered an even stronger dose of inspiration and positive energy.

Diverse stories, a wealth of inspiration. Each company is unique and requires something distinct. But if every company takes a bit of this and brings it back to their workplace, we can collectively make our workplaces a little bit better. 

A big thank you to Michal Šrajer and Petr Skondrojanis for making it all possible! 

Petra Tichá with Cocuma founder Petr Skondrojanis.