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Exploring Company Values at the latest COCUMA Meetup

Earlier this March, Devoteam had the pleasure to participate in yet another COCUMA Meetup, this time focusing on the important topic of company values.


The event was held at the offices of Logio, whose representatives shared the story of how they set up their particular set of company values, what they mean to them and how they actively work with them on a day-to-day basis. As Devoteam is a learning enterprise built around five key values – Respect, Frankness, Ambition, Entrepreneurship and Collaboration – this topic is very close to us, and it was very insightful to gain additional insights from other professionals and company culture experts within the COCUMA community.

Zuzana Cmuntová

At Devoteam, we believe the right values are at the core of our business. They are the building stone of our culture and we follow them in our everyday tasks. We always welcome the opportunity to meet successful companies and professionals that are like minded so we can exchange ideas and experience and learn from each other.