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How GenAI can set the power of your IT Asset Management (ITAM) in ServiceNow

Get your hands on the hidden potential

Imagine a world where IT assets are automatically discovered and classified, with real-time insights into their health and licensing status. GenAI can integrate seamlessly with ServiceNow, leveraging AI to automate tedious tasks, eliminate manual errors, and empower you to manage your IT ecosystem with unprecedented efficiency.

Automated asset discovery and tracking

Say goodbye to time-consuming manual asset discovery. GenAI can leverage image recognition and network scanning to automatically identify all IT assets within your network, ensuring a complete and accurate inventory in ServiceNow. This eliminates blind spots and empowers informed decision-making.

Intelligent licence management

Software licensing can be a compliance minefield. GenAI analyses software usage patterns, identifies potential licence violations, and suggests optimisation strategies. This proactive approach prevents costly audits and ensures you’re always in compliance with licensing agreements.

Predictive maintenance and optimisation

GenAI analyses sensor data and asset usage patterns to predict potential hardware failures before they occur. This proactive approach allows for preventive maintenance, minimises downtime, and extends the lifespan of your IT assets.

Data-driven insights and reporting

GenAI transforms raw data into actionable insights. Gain real-time visibility into your IT asset utilisation, identify underutilised assets, and make data-driven decisions for optimal resource allocation and cost savings.

The GenAI advantage for ServiceNow ITAM

By integrating GenAI with ServiceNow ITAM, you can achieve:

  • Automated asset discovery and classification
  • Real-time asset health and licence compliance monitoring
  • Proactive maintenance and optimisation strategies
  • Reduced IT staff workload
  • Data-driven insights for informed decision-making
  • Improved IT asset lifecycle management

Empowering your ITAM for success

GenAI is the missing piece in your ServiceNow ITAM puzzle. Its ability to automate tasks, predict issues, and provide data-driven insights empowers you to optimise your IT ecosystem, ensure compliance, and maximise the return on your IT investments.

Ready to get the full potential of your ITAM? Contact us today and discover how GenAI can revolutionise your ServiceNow experience!